The list of things that need to be finished, much less started, is growing daily.
Frankfurt's Buchmesse (Book Fair) has come and gone, the Surrey Writers Conference is this week. I've been to one, but not the other. Planned on going to Surrey this year, but it's not to be. I'll write a post about Frankfurt. It's an event that every writer should plan on attending at least once in their life.
I'm painting a house, instead of the van and truck that have been 'on the schedule' for the past month. Finally delivered the welding truck to it's old/new owner. He's probably glad to have it back, I'm glad to have it out of the barn. It sat here for over two years after he bought it.
The welding truck escapade interfered with my going to the flea market for the past two weeks. I'll have to check in with the folks down there and see how the real economy is doing.
We should get some rain in the next couple of days. That will give me the time to get my writing caught up. I also have to get back to sending out queries to agents.
I would make a list of everything that I need to do, but it would take all day!
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