Thursday, November 3, 2011

Time to Launch the 'New' Video

It's been fun, the past 6 weeks. The weather went from too hot to too cold and I've still got a Sable sitting in the barn, unpainted. To say that I've not had time to work on the blog would be an understatement.

Still working on my short story series, doing updates on "Going Dutch, Trials of a Wage Slave" and working on the video script for my public service announcement.

Watching the "Occupy Wall Street" movement has been fun. What took them so long to realize that we have all been getting ripped off for the past 40 years. I could go into the history of how our social structure has been tuned to benefit certain parties, but that's a subject for another time.

Will update the blog when the video is up on YouTube.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Sweltering at the Ranch Has Stopped

Yeah, been a few months or more. This summer qualifies as 'Hell on Earth, the Un-Cool Version'. Don't know how it's been for you, but the weather has been nuts, either too hot, too much rain or wind or....

Too hot to paint, without a temperature and humidity-controlled paint booth. If the paint doesn't fog, the painter will drip sweat into it. So, it's a no-win situation, until the temp comes down to around 80F. Scuffed the Sable's rear quarter backing it into the barn, so just now getting around to fixing that mistake. Should be ready to paint next week, but I've sung that song before.

Farm work never stops. The baby bull, Rascal, is now almost as big as his momma and his cousin, Spunky, isn't far behind. It's funny how an 800 pound animal can act like a puppy, not realizing that he can bulldoze you like a blade of grass, if he gets upset.

Writing? I'm doing plenty of it. Got a couple of projects going, not including the new video work. Stay tuned.

Other than that, welcome to the wonderful fall weather, hurricanes included. Please keep all hands and feet inside the ark.

All the best,


Monday, March 21, 2011

Full Moon and Spring

What a week.

Put paint on the Mercury Sable and did something I haven't done in years. Ran the paint till it dripped, like I'd never painted a car before in my life! Can't remember when this happened last but it made for lots more work. Spent yesterday sanding the drips down and will spend part of today sanding the rest of the car. It's like starting all over again.

The weekend was interesting, if not educational. Saturday I went to a class in "Lead Safety, Removal, Renovation and Painting". After the class, all I can say is, 'invest in plastics'. You'll need lots of plastic, as in tarps, gloves, etc. to comply with the federal regs on removing old paint in houses built before 1978. Or you could just bulldoze the place.

Got an email from an old high school buddy, hadn't heard from him in, well we won't go into ancient history, but it's been a long time. He's been doing stuff I wish I had pursued, but we can't do everything in this life, try as we may. I don't know if I can even mention what he's been doing, will have to wait and see what's allowed to be discussed. Yes, folks, that's the way the government works. You have no need to know.

The full 'super' moon was a sight to see this weekend. Took some photos and shot some video of it, for the record book. Will have to wait and see if we experience any earth shakes in the next few weeks. Doesn't look good for the short term.

Other than that, enjoy this new start to the year. It's been great here, 80 degree weather, the pear tree is in full bloom (very early) and I'm looking to get the rototiller out and churn up the garden plot.

Now all I have to do is watch out for the snakes.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Into the Spring

Busy, too swamped with work and literally flooded in the lowlands around here to have time to post on the old blog.

Will increase the blog posts, starting with coverage of the books that I've read over the past few months.

That will have to wait until I get this weekend out of the way. Going to get the Mercury Sable finished off, primer it and look to paint it next week, when the weather finally breaks into the 70's.

As for the folks out there who are dealing with the employee/employer issues and worker rights, I'll be putting up some comments on my 01Wage Slave blog.

It's going to be an interesting year!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Would Chuck Wood for Work

Otherwise, I can't wait to chuck winter for spring.

You been having a nice, mild winter? Not here. I've been playing lumberjack most of this winter, in conditions that are common up North, but downright aggravating here. I've cut and split enough wood for three 'regular' winters and it's not over yet.

I expect 50 degree weather this time of year, not highs of around 30. Which is the normal low temp overnight.

So, this past week, we went from highs in the upper 20's to temps now in the lower 70's! Great weather to catch the flu.

Posting here has been spotty, at best.

It's a good thing that I don't have access to the internet on a full time basis or I'd get nothing done on my writing or around the farm.

Love the internet, great source of info, etc., but it makes me want to comment on things that I should leave alone.

So, it's back to the shop, where a Sable awaits me. Time to put paint on it and ship it down the road. Then it will be tractor maintenance time.

Believe me, I look forward to a nice, relaxing hour or two in front of my computer, working on my writing. Some people think it's a grind, but they should try manual labor for a while.

Then they would appreciate how easy it is to give your opinion on things you aren't going to change without making a real, physical effort.

Back to work, wage slaves.